
Monday, 28 February 2011

My beautiful pony!

I had another beautiful day with Shadow and definitely going to be beaming ALL week....!

I woke up early because it was so beautiful today and sunny and got to the yard early to get all the chores done ( was my shift, so needed to do make morning feeds, get all bowls, clean waters, bowls and check fields etc) which takes the good part of an hour, so wanted to get that done early so I could poo pick then spend quality Shadow time!

When I arrived, Shadow was by the fence and he looked quite sleepy! As I've been neglecting him recently, I thought I'd make it up to him by itching his FAVOURITE spot, between his legs- he goes crazy for it and loves it!


Some of the younger girls at my yard have perhaps mocked me when they've seen my bum bag and actually said to me today about whether I should be doing that and said to others about the treats I give Shadow ( even though they told the girls that I clicker train) anyway, I had Shadow in today and they had their horses in. The first thing I was really proud of, was last time I had Shadow in with them, back in Summer when we first began clicker, he broke the fence- he didn't have a haynet and he flipped out. They got cross and said he was really naughty etc, which is when we began working properly on standing still! I used to NEVER be able to groom him without him fidgeting or moving or wanting to eat the brush.

Well today, he had no haynet ( the other horses did) I know it sounds perhaps unfair, but we don't have much hay at the mo as we're waiting for the delivery and the last hay we had was going out for them tonight, plus it was a good test too. He stood perfectly, he did move everynow and then which of course is fine, but no fidgeting or creating that the horses opposite him had hay- he didn't kick about with his feet or legs and I was quite proud:-*Anyway; after they'd been saying about clicker, I perhaps had a bit of a n egotistic moment and decided to show off... I wasn't going to let it get the better of me, just wanted to subtley prove a point. So I got on my bumbag and saw them snigger and undid the lead rope and walked back, telling Shadow to wait, then said ''Come here'' and he came, C/T, and he went over all the things we've been taught- not so much intentionally but to avoid standing on things- so to stop going on the log and slipping, I said ''Over'' and he did it and then ''Back'' and ''Stand'' and then perhaps Shadow really proved how smart he is LOL! He went to eat the grass and I said ''Ah no'', he bought his head up and got a good boy and treat, and so he put his head half way down towards the grass and stopped, I stupidly repeated again ''Ah no'' and it wasn't until about the 7th ''Ah no'' that I realised Shadow wasn't going to eat the grass, because he was waiting! Clever boy;)! He got bored of that after a while as I think it gave him neck ache, but I did chuckle;D

The best bit though was seeing the girls, they were watching ( or pretending to not watch ) and as I went to put Shadow back out; one of them asked ''Could you tell me a little more about clicker, as I think it'd be helpful'':D


Played with Shadow in the field and waited for his owner to get down as we planned on going for a short ride up to the woods with Cassie, Luca and Lacey ( field mates), Cassie is a baby and we take her out for little walks, I've never met a horse quite so laid back as her, she really is the sweetest natured and most relaxed, nothing bothers her. Luca and Lacey came out too. Shadow decided to take the lead to begin with, and wanted to go in front. Although it was good that he was excited and not holding back despite that there was the motorway and lots of noise and birds etc and in the woods, it was something which I needed to work on, is getting him more responsive to my seat. Shortly after getting through the first bit of the woods, he seemed to relax more and then we had my least favourite bit- the horse crossing. He went behind the lead horse, and waited patiently for the lights to change. To get into the car park of the woods, you have to walk over this step over bit, and in it was a bit of mud and a puddle. Lacey went over and Luca was in front and is scared of it, Shadow had been waiting and then suddenly decided enough was enough and stormed through and barged his way through. I said ''Ah ah!'' and asked him to stand and waited for the other two. Walked through the car park when Shadow caught sight of a dog. Shadow has never had a negative experience with a dog before, and we have dogs at our yard and he isn't phased by most things, but really hates dogs. This family were actually quite a pain because they moaned about the horses ( despite we were on the horse path and it isn't meant for dog walkers and they were on the wrong trail) and let their dog off the lead and thought it started barking as we were going past the narrow step over, where there are ponds either side with deep water. Shadow freaked and bolted forward and instead of going over the step over, took me through very thick branches- my face is covered in scratches as well as my body, it hurt like hell and if I'd let go ( I was holding on the side and fortunately said to Shadow to move over) I would of fallen in the pond or rolled off into it. It was a close call and I got off Shad who was actually shaking a bit and asked Kelly to hold him and I did tell the dog owners to be more considerate and go on the other path and pointed out that they were on the wrong trail. They got all cross with me, and as I was walking, they thought it'd be hilarious to scare Shadow ( who they could see at this point was scared, PLUS I had a young horse tabard on) and threw a squeaky toy for there dog at Shadow. He got scared again, I calmed him down, gave him to Kelly and really shouted at them. I was fuming at this point and at their inconsideration. They thought they were pretty funny, and I told them to grow up because their behaviour could kill someone or a horse, or their children. That definitely shut them up and then they went the other way.

Walked for a bit more and then got back on and went back over to the narrow bit and went through nicely:)Shadow was relaxed on the way home and so chilled. He really enjoys going out and I hope that minor incident hasn't put him off totally, although I doubt it has as there was dogs back at the yard and he was fine. I was really glad I bought my clicker with me, as it helped to reward him for being so well behaved and he was so happy as was I. Well I felt he was happy, when he's cross or distressed, he won't move and is very reserved, he is tense and tries to bite things. He was so relaxed and forward going:)I love him lots!


More images:)


The typical ''Gimme clicker or I eat you'' situation;)

''Cos I love ya''.


Friday, 18 February 2011

Just to confirm I'm not dead...but lost in my own little world!

I've not written and I'm sure my HUGE amount of followers have wondered where I've disappeared too. I've missed writing my feelings down this past month as I've literally had no time to do so; for numerous reasons!

1) I've basically lost my laptop to the new 'Club Penguin' phase which my younger brother and sister are crazy about and they fight over it, so for a quiet life, they get my laptop and they won't budge off it, but honestly I have enjoyed spending time doing other things.
2) It's pretty much down hill at school; all my exams, coursework is suddenly picking up the pace- I've got a huge business assignment to do; with a three hour follow up exam on the assignment- I've had Geography, Physics, Spanish exams scattered, lots of English work- we're doing the Literature course now; so it means lots of novels and poems to begin to analyse and depict- so we've got lots of work to fit it all in; plus I've got two years worth of Maths to learn because I'm rubbish at it! I've been busy and for once in my life have been DOING homework when set ( well for most of my subjects...)!
3) Exams and homework has meant little Shadow and clicker time; each time I've spent with him this year has been busy- so little time with him doing clicker. This will change this week- I can assure you now!

I've really began to pick up the pace in my other passion outside of horses; Spanish. I love languages and I study it at school- but I have a particular affection for the language. I love the Hispanic people- their togetherness; their optimism; their culture; their spirit; their horses... and I love their language too! It's so much fun being able to speak in another language; I always feel good when I can understand things and break text down; so I've been inclined to be rather 'sad' and have been watching 'The Simpsons' and 'The Rugrats' in's pretty fast for me; but it's progress nevertheless! I've bought two books; 'Easy Spanish Reader' which is pretty straight forward and gets more harder as you go through; which I've had little struggle with so far and then 'Read and Think Spanish' which is a book with a culmination of articles- in Spanish; about Latin America and Spain- traditions; culture, food, people, tourism, cinema/literature; travel; geography; history and music; that is still quite advanced but it has lots of useful vocab and more complex sentence structures!

I did a listening paper ( the new specimen ones which are always a bit shoddy) and didn't do as well as I'd hoped- I reckon I'd have hit a B grade on it; which I know isn't TERRIBLE- but I'm aiming for A*! I tried to not be disheartened- in the sense I've not revised at all; I've only really began the course last September ( 2010) and so I've done no practice papers before; so I suppose that's not too bad going! Definitely room for improvement though, so my room has been decorated with sticky notes!

I had a good day today, I went to the GCSE Poetry Live convention in London's 'We Will Rock You!' theatre, and although one or two of the poets were a little dull for me; overall they were really inspirational. Simon Armitage was funny and I really enjoyed what Gillian Clarke had to say; she made some really important points and things which makes you just think for a while; she moved me in one of her poems too. I think overall, John Agard just pipped Gillian to the post- I loved him, definitely saved the best to last. When I did the language course; his poem 'Half-Caste' was really enjoyable and he made so many important points about racial discrimination but how the term 'half-caste' is one of quite an offensive nature- it was great to hear him read it how it is MEANT to be read and although I don't need to study it anymore; it's such a great poem to listen to. He also said something which may possibly stick with me for the rest of my life;

''There are only 26 letters in the alphabet- but if you put the words in the right order, you can make something beautiful''

I think for any writer, aspiring writer or someone ( like me) who just enjoys writing or reading, it really is a wonderful quote. Language is a beautiful thing. It really is; and I feel that poetry is one form of expressing yourself- I'm no poet, but I like writing because I can express myself; far better than talking.

I noticed this with the poets too; there were some ( John and Simon for example), who were in fact quite 'interesting' speakers- their voices varied in pitch and so did their accents, but others had slightly monotonous tones but their poetry was moving and had such a deeper meaning if you see beyond the metaphors and anecdotes for what they are really trying to portray to the reader.

I wanted to end my post with Gillian Clarke's poem; 'The Field-Mouse'

he Field Mouse

Summer, and the long grass is a snare drum.The air hums with jets.Down at the end of the meadow,far from the radio's terrible news,we cut the hay. All afternoonits wave breaks before the tractor blade.Over the hedge our neighbour travels his fieldin a cloud of lime, drifting our landwith a chance gift of sweetness.
The child comes running through the killed flowers,his hands a nest of quivering mouse,its black eyes two sparks burning.We know it will die and ought to finish it off.It curls in agony big as itselfand the star goes out in its eye.Summer in Europe, the field's hurt,and the children kneel in long grassstaring at what we have crushed.
Before day's done the field lies bleeding,the dusk garden inhabited by the saved, voles,frogs, and nest of mice. The wrong that wokefrom a rumour of pain won't heal,and we can't face the newspapers.All night I dream the children dance in grasstheir bones brittle as mouse-ribs, the airstammering with gunfire, my neighbour turnedstranger, wounding my land with stones.

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

“When I am gone, remember me with smiles and laughter, as that is how I will remember you. But if you should remember me with tears and sorrow, I may not remember you at all.”

Sorry I've not been on here much, as I've been so busy at present. 

The inevitable happened yesterday; I suppose I've been trying to brace myself for a few months now, but I lost my dog. He was 15, thought he was 2 and my best friend. We grew up together from Day 1. 
Yesterday I was devastated, I just cried and cried for him and today I cried too. But I suppose I've been optimistically thinking about it. He was old, in pain and he struggled to hold himself up sometimes, he had toilet issues and it was better to do it now, before he got worse. But I wish he hadn't been taken away from me. 
Our last moments together were so special. He layed next to me and we had the biggest cuddle, I didn't care whether my school coat smelt of dog, or whether I'd get in trouble for it. I knew that our moments together were far and few, but I didn't expect that when I went, it'd be the last time I'd see him. I'm just glad that I had such a lovely cuddle with him before it happened. 

Writing this had made me cry again and I've tried to not cry- but everytime I think of a happy memory, it makes me sad again. My emotions are fluctuating like a rollercoaster, one minute I'm okay, and then the next I  just want to bury myself in a hole. 

Life can be so cruel and sometimes I wonder why we're all here? We all end up 6 feet under and when we do, it causes sorrow and tears. But it's good to grieve for those we've lost, crying is a funny thing and emotion. Perhaps tears represent our saddness leaving our body, as we remember beautiful memories. Some of us don't cry, some of us just sit there in silence. Silence can be good too. Silence can be comforting as well as awkward. 

I'm not really sure what to conclude today; I just wanted  to write something and suffice to have any form of conclusion really.