I feel so many of us are under pressure to produce results, be the best and show something for our work. Whilst this is nice; sometimes it seems to have counter consequences- sometimes instead of driving people to strive for more, people begin to question whether or not they are talented or capable enough to unlock their horses potential.
I think if we have that sort of attitude, we then put ourselves in the frame of mind that we will never be adequate enough to produce any horses potential. Why do we feel like this? What is it that causes us to feel this way? Is it the militant youtube pages which seem to promote teens with these 'inspirational' stories of how they rose from rock bottom to the top with their horses, sometimes I wonder if they are using their description as a pair of rose tinted glasses to fool the many gullible followers; whilst it is admirable that they persevered etc; they also make some of us feel like we're incapable, if our horses or more so ourselves, struggle to 'produce' we have failed and wasted our horses talent. I feel this is unfair because does your horse really care whether or not he's got a bloody rosette attached to his bridle? Or whether he's the county champion or the trailblazer champion or whatever you want him to be? Does he? Or is it us who wants that? Like the pushy parent who thinks their child at the age of 2 wants to be a beauty queen and wear high heeled and more make up than Katie Price.
I think that this is so sad, that we feel inclined to behave in this way. Once we begin to pressure ourselves, we pressure our horses, sometimes this can have bad reactions- especially if we are struggling already. I know this full too well, when I expect too much and I push us both into overload when we both explode- whether it is through fear, anger, confusion or a combination of it all.
We want to enjoy our horses yes and we don't want to be unhappy in our lives, but equally we don't want to make ourselves feel inadequate and incapable because we aren't producing in the show ring- so what? Have something else to show- small achievements, small steps which all add up to make big steps, and a long lasting relationship with the most nobel, loyal and gifted animal ever to walk the planet. Accept his flaws, work on them and work on yours; accept that he may not be winning in all the comps or even going to any, but that he's the most wonderful thing you have encountered and you have him to yourself to enjoy and love.
Don't ever be made to feel little or that you need to give up. Be strong and take it slowly...
It's not the destination which counts; but the journey.
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