
Thursday, 6 January 2011

“Those who danced were thought to be quite insane by those who could not hear the music.”

What is this new leaf I'm turning over in my life!? 

I feel I've been a nicer person, but more importantly, I've been trying to achieve some of my goals. 
One of my life goals, is to learn the piano. I love piano pieces and I would kill for a piano at home; my friend at school is very good on the piano and we've been practicing at lunch times with it; doing one of my favorite songs ''Always Attract'' by You Me at Six. Okay; so I'm still getting to grip with the keys but I can play D G G D G F+ D G G D G so far... so I know where D and G are for sure ;)! I have managed to get a little quicker on the piano, but I don't expect miracles- but I didn't give up. So for me, that's progress. To stop throwing in the towel if I can't do something. Hopefully by putting perseverance into practice on an instrument, it will spare Shadow having to deal with me trying to find myself a little bit more! 

Am nervous as I get my English Literature ( final ) results next Thursday! So am feeling slightly nervous! I felt the exams went okay, but I am keeping a level head over it ( more so as I don't want to upset Karma or tempt fate...!)

It's nearly the weekend and I've got my shaping plan at the ready! Our 'SMART' goal is too; 
'Stand still when being mounted- either on the ground or from a mounting block- at home or outside of the yard'. 

A SMART goal is creating a shaping plan using the following steps; 
Specific- the goal must be accurate and allow us to identify clearly all the elements of the final goal.
Measurable- If we can measure the outcome of the goal, we will assess whether we have completed the goal.
Attractive- We are unlikely to be motivated at working towards a goal which is 'unattractive'. Consider the benefits and the consequences of the goal.
Realistic- Our goals should be realistic enough for our horses to achieve them.
Time-bound - A realistic time scale for successful completion of the goal. 

Shaping plans have always been my downfall, so hopefully these can help me re-organise things and we can get back on track! 

I feel our goal is realistic enough. We're still needing to refresh the use of the cue in ground-tying ( my voice is still not the reinforcing cue), so I need to condition him to my voice cue- once this is in state, we can then continue working toward our goal. 

The time frame for the goal is to have it completed by February 28th 2011. I feel this gives us enough time, weather and time permitting to spend enough time on it. I'm not totally set on the goal, as I can't predict how long it will take, but this is my rough estimated time of completion! 

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